The “My Actions” Widget allows users to view a list of items they are actively engaging with. Once users access their Home Page, they can have easy access to a list of items they need to act upon, or are requiring their action.

There are 5 different action types that can be applied for this Widget:
1. Objects Pending my Review and Approval
2. Objects Pending my Confirmation
3. Improvement Requests Pending my Review and Approval
4. Improvement Requests Pending my Implementation
5. Improvement Requests Waiting for Publish

My Actions Widget Components

Component Description
Quick Graph View Icon : Icon allowing user to immediately view the Action in a graph mode
Name Name of the Action
Action Type Type of Action user is engaging with
Pending Since The pending date where the action was sent to user
Type Type of object

My Actions Widget Navigation

1. Navigate to the Home Page and add a “My Actions” Widget using the Dashboard Manager

2. Click on the icon to immediately view the object in a graph mode

3. Click on the name of the Document to navigate to the item’s Details page

To customize the My Actions Widget, click here


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