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Collaboration and

Knowledge Sharing

Key Ingredients for Good

Change Management

Having a great process design environment is important, but having the ability to easily publish and collaborate around business processes in real-time is essential.  Communicating process knowledge, policies, ownership and accountability are key elements in deploying consistent process execution.  Gaining support and buy-in to changing business processes is key for adoption.  The EPC provides a complete environment to not only develop processes but also to review, collaborate and publish process knowledge in real-time, worldwide.

Secure access via the web puts valuable process information in the hands of every employee, no matter where they are located.  The ability to maintain threaded discussions on any of the process objects provides a documented feedback channel to capture comments, questions, concerns or new ideas.  Integration with your email system allows automatic notification of key events or changes within the process repository.  The EPC is not a static environment, but rather a dynamic business communication tool that keeps everyone on the same page.

Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing Features and Benefits

  • Ability to capture threaded discussions on any object in the repository
  • Ability to subscribe to process content
  • Automatic email notification when content changes
  • Publish process content to the web, real-time


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